Thursday, December 31, 2009

One would think…

With 2 weeks on break we would all think that I could get on top of this blogging thing.  Well, I am having too much fun playing in the floor with Adlee to worry about the computer.  At the beginning of  December we finally had Adlee’s birthday party.  Here are the pics, pretty self explanatory, I pretty much made everything about the party except the shirt.  IMG_2645 IMG_2649 IMG_2648 IMG_2647 IMG_2651


IMG_2650IMG_2658Unlike on her actual birthday, she actually loved the cake!!

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Hey Adlee, how old are you (complete with gotee)??? 



What happens during your party when you get this messy??



The cousins helped her open presents of course. 

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She got her little red wagon from Mimi and Pappy (Jerred’s parents)


I was going to post more than just her party, but she will NOT go down for a nap.  So instead I will take this time to play with her some more!!!  I REALLY don’t want to go back to work on Monday!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Have to catch up!!

Sorry, things are crazy!!  School is busy, church is busy, and well life is busy.  I am hoping to get caught up over the break, but let’s all just be honest with ourselves. 

For Thanksgiving Jerred and I separated, he went hunting and I went to New Braunfels with my parents and MeeMaw.  So what do you do with a 12 month old during a 8 1/2 hour drive?!?!


Keep ‘em quiet with sugar.  This was a bit week for Adlee, she officially learned how to crawl (with cousin Abbie)


And I got her sign language on camera!IMG_2599

She bonded with Betsy.


She played really hard with my cousin, Roger’s, kids Abbie and Ryan.



And I have to put in this picture of Ryan.  He is SO animated and funny, I could seriously just have conversations with him all day and not get bored.  This is his eye brow raise, still not as funny as it is in person though. 


We also enjoyed seeing my cousin Andie’s twin baby girls Allie and Addie, but I didn’t get pictures of them, so we will have to do that during Christmas.  We are lucky enough to have all of them coming to OK this year!!   And that about covers Thanksgiving (at least in pictures).  

Here are some reason pics of Adlee  Jo that make me smile!!



This just makes a teacher Mom very proud!!




Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dear Santa,

I don’t know who you are, but I hear you fulfill Christmas wishes.  All I want is for my parents to stop setting me in your lap, because again, I don’t know you.  Thank you and Merry Christmas.



Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nothing says “happy first birthday” like your first double ear infection

That’s right, this week has been nothing like I had planned it to be.  That’s okay though we are a flexible family.  Adlee turned one on Tuesday and at about 3 am she awoke to celebrate…or to cry for 4 hours straight.  I really had no idea what was wrong until we went to the doctor at 3:00 that afternoon after she had begun to run a fever.  Anyway, she didn’t get to go to school on her birthday and I was definitely more bummed about that than her. 

However that night Jerred and I decided we could go ahead and do a little family celebration because she was feeling a little better.  Sorry about her pictures, you can tell the poor thing did NOT feel good.  Here she is in her big girl seat, right after the doctor…man I feel like a horrible Mom posting this picture.  IMG_2502 IMG_2511

Jerred stopped and bought her a little cake on the way home from work.  She liked the taste, but really didn’t like it enough to get her hands dirty.  If I fed her she would eat it, but that’s about it. 


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Jerred and I gave her a couple of little gifts, since we are going to have a party after Thanksgiving with family and friends she didn’t get much on the actual day. 

Her first cell phone…she loves talking on the phone.



And of course she needed a laptop!


And since she’s now 1 she no longer wants to get read to.  She prefers to read her own bedtime story.


And last, these are pics from a little photo shoot we did on Wed. when she was feeling a bit better!  By the way, thank you to Sada for the awesome shirt, she made it so quick!!!IMG_2540






I can’t believe she is already 1!!!  We are so thankful for our little blessing!!  She is so much fun and keeps us laughing and smiling all the time. Happy Birthday Adlee Jo!!!