Then a couple of weeks ago, Jerred had a retreat and Adlee and I did not want to miss, so we went out for one day. Here we are at Lariet Creek Camp.
We didn't think we could stay in cabins just yet and Jerred's parents live really close so we just spent the night there. We also went to church there for the first time! Here is Adlee with her Mimi and Pappy.
Poor Adlee has now made 3 trips to New Braunfels in her short life, but it hasn't bothered her one bit. You would think 8 hours in a car there and back would not be so fun, but she has handled it like a trooper!! Here are some pics from our latest trip. Adlee and Grandmommie!
My cousin is a Deputy Sheriff and he was all uniformed up one day so I had to get Adlee with him!
Andie, my cousin in the pic, is married to Brooke and they are pregnant with identical twin girls!! The girls names are Allison and Addison, but they are going to call them Allie and Addie. My other cousin Roger, has a daughter named Abbie! My aunt and my sister-in-law are both named Teresa. SOOOO, we have 2 Teresa's, 2 Brook's, an Abbie, Adlee, Addie and Allie!!! We put the fun in disfunctional!!! We are VERY excited about the girls coming and I can't wait to meet them!!
I told you that was a random post. I think I am about caught up now. I do have some fun pictures on another camera, but I can't get them on the computer. I will keep working on it!! If you have made it through this post and are not a Grandma WAY TO GO!!!