Sorry for the lack of posting Grandma's!! I am ALMOST done with school and that is taking up all of my time right now. I have 2 days left!!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!
Okay, back to the post. Evelyn has turned 2 and we had a little family party for her.

All the cousins were loving Adlee so much that day, even James! In fact that week all of the kiddos were at my Mom's house and the girls were all playing and so James went over and started talking to Adlee (usually the girls are all around her so he doesn't pay much attention to her). Adlee smiled up at him and he said "SHE LIKES ME!!" He was SO excited about sweet!

And of course they all had to give her kisses.

Here are some sweet pics of Adlee I took that day!

And in our family the rule is when you turn 2 you can hold the baby. Adlee was not so sure about this rule in the beginning.

She decided Evelyn wasn't so bad for just a second though.

The end of April was my Best Friend, Katie's, birthday!! Jerred and I were supposed to keep Macy while her and Michael went out to dinner, but Jerred ended up getting the swine flu that week. My parents and I ended up hanging with Macy at their house instead. Macy and Adlee are exactly 8 months apart and are destined to be besties for life.

Macy thought it sounded fun to be best friends!

They can already share toys.

And they like holding hands.

Well, that's it for now!! Got to get to church, Jerred just informed me it's roast night and we need to get there quick. And Jerred did not actually have the swine flu, I just teased him all week about it.