We have been gone for our first week of camp this summer and let me just say it was an adventure. An adventure that I would like to never have again!! But first, I will give you good stuff. Adlee got LOTS of attention and really loved it!

She sang songs with the kids

Gave announcements with her Dad

And she practiced how to lead songs and give announcements

I call this years session "the year of the plagues." It all started great, I took Adlee and she was doing SO awesome!! Adlee and I stayed in a little camper and as I said she was doing so well, we are proud! Jerred and the other 2 directors stay in the directors cabin and that is where Adlee and I spent time during the day. Well, that is where the first plague starts. This year there were these yucky little centipede things that were coming in and there were tons of them!!

This picture is not from camp, but it is what we dealt with. I wouldn't even walk on the floor barefoot for fear of stepping on one of these beauties. They were on the walls and ceiling at one point. GROSS!!
The second plague came in the form of a broken pool! After our Monday swim the pump broke and kept our kids from swimming on Tuesday. Not good for kids ranging from
3rd-8th grade who think they are going to swim that day. May not seem like a big deal for you, but let me tell you it was dramatic!!
The third plague was rain!! It rained a couple of nights, which did not affect the kids, but in a little camper the noise makes it hard to sleep!! It also rained ALL day on Wed. which kept the kids from swimming a 2nd day!! It also kept us all cooped up in a pavillion all day with smelly kids. Another GROSS!
And the last plague is the infamous one that landed us on the news, and was the worst one of all. It all started on Wed at about 5 pm when our first set of campers/staff were hit with a nasty stomach bug. We had to write down names of people that were sick and getting picked up and at 5 we had about 5 names already. I immediately called my parents to come get Adlee, I did not want her getting sick. Meanwhile I passed her off to one of our youth group boys, Jesse, and he took her to the trailor to keep her from the germs. I went and started clearing out a cabin on the girls side to put all of the sickies in. Let me just say here that my youth group girls "JC's" at camp were all rockstars!! I am not sure that I would have cleaned up vomit, and taken care of little girls quite like they did. I could not have been more proud of them, I love them and appreciate them SO MUCH!
Instead of going through all of the nasty details of how we had surround sound throw up and had to watch our step going through the grass I will just tell you it was not pretty.
By the time my parents got there around 7, I was already feeling it. So I went ahead and left with them and Adlee. I was sick at there house instead of out at camp. Out at camp there was another girl getting sick pretty much every 15 minutes and they were leaving all night. By 6 am they were calling all parents and camp was over pretty much 2 days early. All three directors(Jerred) got it and some of the kids/staff that weren't sick at camp got sick at home.
Directors, Kent, Jerred, and Nathan:

All my rockstar girls got it too. All in all it was an experience I never want again!! I am sure you are now wondering whether Adlee got it or not...

Does she look sick to you?!?! God protected our little one for sure!!