We had 3 fabulous Christmas celebrations..well, I guess 4 including our little family’s! I, however, have become the world’s WORST about taking pictures. I have GOT to get better! Luckily for my family’s 2 Christmas’s I have Teresa and Brooke who I can steal pics from.
First up, Mimi and Pappy England’s house!
Puppy from Jerred’s Aunt. Adlee LOVED it!
Getting the hang of opening “pwesents.”
Reading with Mimi.
This is back at home showing her loot. She got furniture and accessories for her dollhouse that she got for her birthday!
Next up: Santa came to our house!!
Adlee got all kinds of furniture for her babies, plus some extras with her stocking!
Timer family shot , give us a break we just woke up.
Wiley Christmas
“And I am done, got what I wanted.”
James’s loot, well not ALL of it :)
More dollhouse stuff!
Probably more for me than Adlee, her first American Girl doll. Just an itty bitty baby!
“A Dora Adventure Hut?!?! Mark and Teresa you are the BEST!!”
“Thanks for making me a new blanket MeeMaw. Mom this Christmas is wearing me out, I need to go to bed now.”
Grandad went to Jared. Nice work!
No time was wasted, the Dora hut had to go up.
Lydia got a DS, Adlee is helping. Sweet Lydia just lets her!!
Christmas in Texas!
On the day that we left for New Braunfels we had an ultrasound at 8 AM. It was the day we found out we are having another GIRL!! We didn’t tell anyone on my side until we got down there, and then we let Adlee tell!! It was really fun that everybody was together for it. It made it more special for me.
But, because of this I forgot my good camera. We had rushed around that morning and got everything but the camera. I had my little one and I was also able to get pics from other people.
Here is Adlee getting her back rubbed, one of my favorite things there too :)
We were able to open presents at Roger and Amy’s house. Super fun because they have toys for everyone! It was also a beautiful day outside, so we spent a lot of time there!
Opening Presents.
Woo Hoo a Tricycle!!
We still haven’t quite got down how to drive it yet, but she’s workin’ on it.
The big girls and Ryan got skates! Of course, Grandmommie didn’t want Adlee to feel left out.
Jerred played in Ryan’s room a lot of the time. He was saying how our girls won’t have car toys, so he had to get it out of his system!!
Jerred also played troll, and locked the kids up in the fort to eat their toes.
Ryan decided he wanted to be a troll too.
Grandmommie and her greats!
And I will leave you with the cutie outfit Grandmommie got Adlee for Christmas. How cute is that?!?!