I feel SO old!! My brother, Mark, has 3 kiddos and the middle one turned 4 on Wednesday!! On Sunday afternoon we had a little family party for her. Here are some pics from the event!!
This one is of the grandkids...complete with homeade hats!!

James is 5, Lydia is now 4, and Evelyn will be 2 soon!!
Another one, this time with Honey and Grandad

During the taking of this last shot, I looked up from the camera and saw James lean over and very sweetly kiss Adlee on the head...SO sweet!! He then just held her hand and leaned into her, so I of course had to zoom into the 2 of them!!

Adlee and Markie

Lydia has personality PLUS and is so funny!! She loves clothes and she got a lot that day, I guess she was done with the clothes thing by the end because she was just throwing them in a pile next to her.

I like playing with my camera and pretending I have an eye for photography.
The only decent one I could get of Evelyn was after the cupcake, I think it gives it the "real life" feel :)