Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blast from the past and Electricity

Last Sunday we made a trip to Wichita Falls to visit the church where Jerred used to work. They had never met Adlee so we were super excited to show her off. We had a fun day, but only got 1 picture to show from it (I'm working on getting better!) This is Adlee with Whitney and Reagan.

On Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for school the power went out in our bedroom and bathroom. I, of course, went and did the breaker thing but nothing seemed to work, so Jerred stepped in and nothing worked for him either. I ended up going to school with wet hair because I ran out of time and left Jerred to deal with the house. He had a meeting that day so he had to leave it and fix it later. That night he worked on it and his dad even came over to help and still nothing. His dad left at about 9:30 but my stubborn husband couldn't give up. At about 10:30 he magically got it kicked back on. On Wednesday morning when I turned the light on in the bathroom it all went off again. He ended up fixing it that night before church!! Again my husband is stubborn and we never pay to have things fixed when we can EVENTUALLY fix it ourselves!

Action shot

During the whole thing Daddy explained to Adlee how dangerous it is to play with the plugs and if she did she might end up looking like this

This story is not complete without telling you about one of Jerred's trips to home depot. He went and asked the electrical guy if he had a favorite stripper!!!!!!! After getting a really funny look Jerred clarified that he was talking a wire stripper, yikes.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie!! She is so pretty. And I totally had to chuckle about Jerred's favorite stripper comment. I would have loved to have seen the look on the guy's face.
